Construction Law

Understanding Florida’s Complex Construction Laws

Perhaps in no other area of law does a businessman in the construction industry need a more sound understanding of the law than in the lien laws. The construction lien laws of Florida were actually created to help contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, and laborers get paid when the world is not perfect and checks are not as readily forthcoming as they should be. The problem is that these laws are confusing, unforgiving and even the simplest of mistakes can cost you everything. If you have ever been so deranged as to try to read the lien laws on your own, you will know that they will never be regarded as a model of clarity, either in terms of organization or in terms of their literary simplicity. These problems are compounded by appellate court decisions which have an Alice In Wonderland character to them, where “shall ” means “may” and “may” means “shall.”

The attorneys at Deeb Law Group are among a handful of lawyers in Florida recognized as expert in the field of construction law, and particularly in construction lien law. In an area of law as technically complicated as construction law, you need and deserve the best.

Drafting Contracts With Diligence And An Eye Toward The Future

We are staunch advocates of preventative legal medicine, and nowhere as much as with respect to lien laws. Your best protection against economic disaster is knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. If you are willing to learn, we are here to teach you what you need to know to safely and properly administer the basic steps yourself. We teach you when and how to do notices to owner. We teach you when and how to do construction liens, and what you can and cannot include in your construction lien. We teach you when and whether to sign a release of lien. We teach you when and how to do final contractor affidavits. Of course, we are also pleased to handle these functions for you if this makes you more comfortable.

Representing Clients In Litigation And Administrative Licensure Proceedings

Anyone who has spent anytime in the construction industry, however, knows that litigation is inevitable. Allow the lawyers at Deeb Law Group to put their resources, experience and expertise to work for you. We have prosecuted and defended innumerable construction lien foreclosure lawsuits. We have represented developers, contractors and landowners in construction defect lawsuits. We have regularly handle lawsuits involving disputes over change orders, proper payment defenses, pay when paid clauses, notice issues, payment and performance bond issues, wrongful terminations, and virtually any other technicality that exists in the lien law and issue that arises in the course of a construction project.

We also represent contractors in administrative proceedings involving licensure. If and when you suffer the prospect of professional discipline, we have the experience and expertise to help you defend yourself before the licensing authorities.

Contact The Construction Law Attorneys At Deeb Law Group, P.A.

For legal representation in any aspect of construction law, contact the experienced legal team at Deeb Law Group by calling 727-384-5999 or filling out our online contact form.

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At Deeb Law Group, P.A., we have extensive experience in construction, real estate, entertainment law, business law and contract litigation.

6677 13th Avenue North

Suite 3A

St Petersburg, FL 33710

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