Labor And Employment Law

Representing Businesses In Litigation And Compliance Issues

No part of today’s business landscape is as treacherous as the seemingly endless list of federal and state laws controlling your relationship with your employees. How you hire, manage, discipline, reward, compensate and fire employees is governed by varying laws that often seem in conflict with each other.

The lawyers at Deeb Law Group can help you negotiate your way through the dangerous waters of compliance. We have represented businesses faced with claims arising from the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, COBRA, Title VII discrimination laws, wrongful discharge, employee handbooks, Equal Employment Opportunity, ERISA, and a host of other federal and state laws.

Guidance And Counsel On Contracts, Procedures And All Aspects Of Operations

Consistent with our central philosophy of practicing preventative legal medicine, we welcome your involving us to review your employment handbooks, employment applications, personnel action forms and termination checklists. We are pleased to review your actual procedures as well to ensure compliance with the tangled web of laws with which you must comply. We also gladly help you draft and create any documents you use in your human resources undertakings.

Why You Should Immediately Hire A Lawyer In Labor Law Disputes

As experienced trial attorneys, we know that the most careful of planning will not keep all disgruntled employees or former employees out of the office of some enterprising lawyer looking to make a name or a fee. Many businesses are tempted to represent themselves during the administrative phase of labor law disputes, and we cannot urge you strongly enough to not give in to this temptation. Let us help. We have the experience and knowledge necessary to maximize your chances of avoiding unjust claims and the wisdom to negotiate a fair resolution of claims you would like to do over again.

We have considerable experience in the drafting and enforcement of covenants of noncompetition, secrecy and loyalty agreements, and employment contracts in general. We understand and keep constantly in touch with the ever-changing complexion of the laws designed to protect you from the treachery of former employees.

Contact The Employment Law Attorneys At Deeb Law Group, P.A. Today

For counsel and representation in employment law matters, Call the Deeb Law Group at 727-384-5999 or fill out our online contact form.

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At Deeb Law Group, P.A., we have extensive experience in construction, real estate, entertainment law, business law and contract litigation.

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Suite 3A

St Petersburg, FL 33710

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